Servizi > Psicologia Clinica, Psicoterapia e Unità Specialistica DSA > Neuropsychological, neuropsychiatric and learning psychology specialist unit



First Certification Activities

The Diagnostic Team of the Lambrate Polispecialistico carries out the diagnostic path of Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) of 1st level or of Special Educational Needs (BES) which, in accordance with current legislation, is valid for the purposes of school certification of SLD.


The legislation in force in the Lombardy Region provides that, for it to be valid, the diagnosis is carried out and the final report is defined by 3 experts in the field: the psychologist, the child neuropsychiatrist and the speech therapist.


The diagnostic team of the Polispecialistico Lambrate S.r.l. has been authorized by ATS Milan to carry out certification of Specific Learning Disorder and the team is published on the website of the Milan ATS (ATS where the authorization was made: Milan - Milan North; name of the Equipe: n ° 233).


The team is made up of the following three professionals - the Child Neuropsychiatrist, Dr. Medri Laura, the Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist Dr. Perticone Roberta, the Speech Therapist Dr. Cedone Emanuela.


The assessment must be carried out according to established criteria relating to the standardized tests to be used and the methods in which the results are reported in the final report (defined by the International Consensus Conference on DSA and by the Lombardy Region) which are guaranteed in the Lambrate Polispecialistico.


The validity of the certification is necessary for the subject with SLD to be able to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the legislation at school in terms of tools and methods of evaluation suitable for guaranteeing an adequate scholastic path without the disturbance penalizing the student in learning and in the moments of verification.


Level I diagnosis is carried out according to a defined diagnostic procedure, in which the minimum indices necessary to compose a diagnosis relating to the functioning of basic learning skills are collected

Counseling service for schools and families in cases of diagnosis of Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) or Pupils with Special Educational Needs (BES)

The Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Team of the Polispecialistico Lambrate offers, also in collaboration with the DSA / BES Tutor, a network work based on the sharing of strategies, tools and practices, facilitating the comparison between parents, school and specialists in the case of children or children diagnosed with Specific Learning Disorder or Special Educational Needs.

Networking allows for:


- A better definition of the measures and tools to be included in the Personalized Didactic Plan (PDP) of the Pupil;


- A periodic verification of the scholastic inclusion and educational success of the pupil, integrating the points of view, of the family, of the specialists, of the school and of the pupil himself;


- Monitoring with respect to the general progress of the child / teenager, the awareness gained with respect to their diagnosis, the compensation skills of the Disorder gained over time,







Neuropsychiatric, Speech Therapy and Neuropsychological Assessment for pre-school children

Polispecialistico Lambrate by providing a multidisciplinary team, offers a complete study of the basic pre-requisites of children attending kindergarten.


Understanding early and possibly also promptly treating some frailties that occur in the pre-school phase allows a more serene and aware approach to primary school, allows the child and parents to clarify and also to receive some useful suggestions to support the difficulties highlighted .


The foundation of the instrumental skills of reading, writing and calculation begins to be built from the early stages of play and interaction of the child with the environment: it can be important to understand if the child is following a good path of maturation and consolidation or, if on the contrary, he needs to be supported to recover the gaps that put him in difficulty.

First neuropsychiatric visit for children and adolescents

By ensuring short times and quick access to the service, the Lambrate Polispecialistico offers the possibility of a first and accurate visit with the Child Neuropsychiatrist, who will devote herself to the psychic examination of the child / adolescent in addition to carrying out the neurological examination.


The neuropsychiatric visit can be a useful examination in various situations of fragility, in the case of behavioral disorders, attention problems and also problems in the emotional and affective area.


The Multispecialist, working from a multidisciplinary perspective, will endeavor to integrate this visit with any other psychological, neuropsychological or speech therapy insights.

Assessment of intelligence and cognitive or mental disability - how and when to request a support teacher

Polispecialistico Lambrate offers, by making available the professional figures that make up the multidisciplinary team, advice to families and their children or adolescents with cognitive, intellectual or psychic frailties, for whom there is a suspicion that a request for support is necessary. didactic. In collaboration with the Neuropsychiatric Services of the area, it is possible to carry out the tests and assessments necessary to ascertain the existence of an effective cognitive delay or intellectual fragility.


Parents and teachers can then be supported in the formulation of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) suitable for the child or adolescent and to understand what practices to follow in case it is appropriate to request support.

Evaluation of intelligence and neuropsychological functions of attention, memory and language

Guaranteeing short times and quick access to the service, the Polispecialistico Lambrate offers the possibility, to patients of any age, to carry out standardized tests and neuropsychological tests to evaluate how their intelligence works, their attention and memory skills, their ability of language.


This diagnostic opportunity is valid both for children or adolescents who are encountering difficulties in school or training / relationships and for adults who suspect that they have developed or have always had deficits in these areas.

Speech therapy treatment

Guaranteeing short times and quick access to the service, the Polispecialistico Lambrate offers the possibility of a speech therapy treatment to children already diagnosed with SLD / SEN, awaiting certification or children with frailty who need strengthening.


The speech therapist in charge, working closely with the reference neuropsychologist, will focus on the aspects that most need treatment (reading, writing or language), proposing interactive, stimulating and possibly playful ways of working.


In addition to pencil-paper or PC tests, with the appropriate software, the speech therapy sessions will include the use of our gym, in order to offer the child a more varied and dynamic approach.

DSA and BES tutor

Tutoring is an accompanying path conducted by a tutor educator specialized in learning or behavioral disorders and difficulties in developmental or adolescent age, aimed at:


- FACILITATE learning processes by gradually leading the child or young person to learn about his or her personal style.


- MEDIATE school - family communication.


- SUPPORT the child or young person in carrying out educational activities by experimenting with alternative methods and personalizing the proposals.


- BUILD and SUPPORT the autonomy of the child or young person in carrying out homework and managing school materials.


- INCREASE the generalization of what has been learned in the passage from school to home and vice versa.


How: through an individual and personalized path that responds to the particular characteristics of each child or young person and to the different ways of learning and facing the task








The specific didactic tutoring provides for the admission of a maximum of three students per time slot.


Fee for tutoring per quarter (October - February) available and customizable according to the objectives established between tutor and family

Individual / online courses SLD compensatory tools

Online courses for SLD pupils Proposal of individual courses for compensatory tools for SLD pupils


lessons on the Zoom platform, possible remote access with TeamViewer


8 lessons of 40 min each. 1 to 1 ratio


single route cost € 200




lessons 1 and 2: digital abc (introduction to installation, digital archiving, how to use and where to find digital and audio books, word processing programs)


lessons 3 and 4: word processing and use of pdf programs


lessons 5 and 6: maps programs


lessons 7 and 8: introduction to speech synthesis

The professionals of the area

Dottoressa Perticone Roberta
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Pirotta Adele
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