Our services > Dentistry


Your smile is our commitment

Polispecialistico Lambrate has a dental department comprising multi-specialized professionals, dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the odontostomatological system. Each of our specialists dedicates their energy and resources towards the development of personalized care plans that meet the needs of patient’s across various age groups by adapting the Centre's resources and equipment to individual requests. Polispecialistico therefore invests in the relationship of mutual trust with the patient and is committed to satisfying the requests of the patient with utmost responsibility and success by providing dentistry services in Milan.

Active conventions

Open Fund of Supplementary Health Care

Supplementary Healthcare Fund for managers of companies producing goods and services

fondo Nazionale di Assistenza Sanitaria per i lavoratori dell'industria chimica, chimico-farmaceutica, delle fibre chimiche e dei settori abrasivi, lubrificanti e gpl, minerario e coibenti

Healthcare network of reference of the Generali Group for dentistry and rehabilitation

health insurance of the Unipol group

Easy Welfare offers an autonomous health insurance fund, established pursuant to Article 2 of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Policies - Sacconi Decree, 2009.

Health insurance of the Assicre Group

See also:

The professionals of the area

Dottoressa Ceccaioni Teura
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Dottor Rossini Gabriele
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